I will access your aura and chakras with your permission. We can work together to help you let go and release:

Phobias, Depression, Physical/Sexual Abuse,

Autism, Avoidant Personality Disorders,

Anger Issues, Bullying at School or at Work,

Childhood Traumas, Chakra work, Aura Expansion,

Support to the Physical Body, Letting Go of Your Negative Past,

ME, Tiredness, Shock, Empath - Grounding and "Protection", Low Self-Confidence,

"Protection" from Harmful Computer, Electrical and Mobile Network,

Difficulty Expressing Your Feelings and Thoughts, Energetic Blockages,

Emotional Negative Moods adn States.

There are many more and your condition could be unique, but I am here to help.

The Session

Through an intuitive session, we can explore together what’s going on for you, how this is affecting you physically, energetically, emotionally and mentally, how you would like things to be different, and how you can take positive steps to make changes in your life.

You will explain your issues to me and we will discuss them.

After that with your permission, I will access your aura and chakras to receive a full picture of any hidden and subtle problems. I will share any guidance I receive for you.

I will also let you know what you might expect as the time unfolds. Then, I will give you a personalized, detailed report with practical and down-to-earth techniques, tips and exercises to help you with your issues.

​Some conditions will require more than one session. That will be assessed once we are in contact with each other.

​There are 3 ways we can work together. The first is a face-to-face meeting, the second is a video meeting and the third is via email.

* Face to face: We will meet in Drinkstone, Village Hall, Drinkstone, Bury St Edmunds, England.
* Video meeting: After your purchase, we will arrange a video meeting which is suitable for both of us. You will receive a link for the video meeting.

* Email communication: After your purchase, we will communicate via email and we will discuss your needs and I can help you to address them. You will receive distant healing sessions as well. Then, I will send you a PDF document with tips, techniques, useful information and exercises for you to practice.

* Also, you can contact me in the contact form on the bottom of the page. Thank you.

If you suffer from a serious mental/emotional condition/illness, you must seek a doctor and/or mental professional.


The foundation of energy healing consists of working with the human aura - an invisible field of light of energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual frequencies and invisible vortexes called chakras which exist within the human aura. Constant practice will create a powerful shift in your energies and it will boost your health on all levels tremendously.

Some people experience “hearing voices”, feel unusual sensations in and around the body, and see vivid and disturbing pictures/animations. All of these descriptions come from the aura and… take a deep breath – you are not "ill", "crazy" or "broken".

What you are feeling, sensing, seeing, hearing, tasting and smelling are energies of different frequencies. Mental health practitioners use terms such as phobia, depression, schizophrenia and similar words.

Spiritual teachers teach about cracks, holes and tears in the aura. Tai-Chi, Yoga and Qigong talk about energy blockages causing pains, aches, tiredness and weakness in the physical body. Energy healing will eliminate these holes and tears and will release the energy blockages.

My One-To-One sessions can remove mental health issues, emotional wounds and energetic "blockages".

psychology sessions
psychology sessions