Reiki and Energy Healing are modalities of alternative therapy that use energy, which is invisible to most people, to help harmonise the aura, chakras, and meridians by balancing the energy around the body caused by physical issues and/or mental/emotional traumas.

Reiki and Energy Healing are similar to acupressure and acupuncture because they stimulate deep relaxation, activate powerful inner energy, and trigger the body’s natural healing process.

Reiki and energy healing work directly to restore balance on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Benefits of Reiki and Energy Healing

Aids the body in cleansing itself of toxins and supports the immune system

Helps with ordinary pains and aches

Complements medical treatments and other therapies

Creates deep relaxation and helps the body to release stress and tension

Dissolves energy “blocks” and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit

Experience the power of Reiki and start a journey that you will never regret. Are you ready to heal your mental and emotional issues and support your physical body in moments of need? Then, wait no longer. I am a grand Reiki master with more than 18 years of experience and practice that includes ReikI, meditation and energy healing. Drawing upon a vast body of knowledge and my own experiences, I can give you the comfort that you deserve and an understanding of human psychology that goes beyond human comprehension.

I offer two different types of sessions:

1. Face-To-Face – you will be present with me and I will use my hands to channel Reiki and Energy Healing energies through me into you, thus balancing your energies and experiencing healing in some form or another. That’s been said even if you are aware or not, healing always takes place.

2. Distant Reiki Healing – I will send you Reiki healing through time and space to infuse your energies with the highest light frequencies to bring you a positive energetic shift within yourself. This can be done via a video service or without physical contact. This is your choice.

To arrange a meeting with me face-to-face or if you want distant healing send me a message to start your inner healing and you may experience harmony, joy and bliss.


Bury St Edmunds: Face-To-Face Healing - £35 per hour. Includes Reiki healing, review of your aura, free consultation,

Distant Healing - £15 per session

Stefan, Reiki, Energy Work, Bury St Edmunds.

reiki Bury St Edmunds Suffolk
reiki Bury St Edmunds Suffolk